Ariana Grande’s Brother, Frankie, Shares His Joy Over Her Romance With Ethan Slater - Celebrity Kids Info

Ariana Grande’s Brother, Frankie, Shares His Joy Over Her Romance With Ethan Slater

In an exclusive interview on June 6, 2024, Frankie Grande expressed his wholehearted support for his sister Ariana Grande’s relationship with Ethan Slater. The interview, which shed light on Frankie’s thoughts about the blossoming romance, was a heartwarming endorsement of the couple’s love.

Frankie Grande, a personality known for his vibrant presence and Broadway contributions, has always been a significant figure in Ariana’s life. His approval of her relationships means a great deal, not just to Ariana but to her fans as well. When asked about his sister’s new boyfriend, Frankie’s response was nothing short of affectionate and supportive.

Ariana Grande’s Brother, Frankie, Shares His Joy Over Her Romance With Ethan Slater

“He’s a very sweet guy,” Frankie said, reflecting on Ethan Slater’s character. Slater, who has made a name for himself on Broadway, particularly with his role in “SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical,” has been in the spotlight alongside Ariana since they started dating after meeting on the set of ‘Wicked.’

Frankie’s familiarity with Slater goes back to his own experiences in the Broadway community. “I’ve been a fan of him ever since seeing him in SpongeBob [the musical],” Frankie shared. His admiration for Slater’s work is evident, and it’s clear that this respect extends beyond professional boundaries.

The Grande family values happiness above all, and Frankie’s primary concern is his sister’s well-being. “All I want is for my sister to be happy, and when she’s happy, I’m happy,” he stated. This sentiment resonates with the family’s close-knit nature and their collective joy when one of them finds happiness.

Ariana and Ethan’s relationship has been a topic of interest for fans and media alike. The couple has been seen together on various occasions, sparking conversations about their connection. Despite the public’s curiosity, they have maintained a level of privacy, choosing to share their moments away from the limelight.

The interview with Frankie Grande confirmed the family’s support for the relationship and highlighted the positive impact Ethan Slater has had on Ariana’s life. Frankie’s words painted a picture of a brother who cares deeply for his sister and welcomes Slater with open arms.

As Ariana continues to navigate her life in the public eye, it’s clear that her family’s support is unwavering. Frankie’s approval is a testament to the strong bonds that unite the Grandes. With such a loving and supportive family, Ariana’s personal and professional journey is sure to be filled with love and encouragement.


In conclusion, Frankie Grande’s reaction to his sister’s romance is a beautiful example of familial love and support. His words serve as a reminder that at the end of the day, the happiness of our loved ones is what truly matters. As Ariana Grande and Ethan Slater continue their journey together, they do so with the blessing of those closest to them.

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